The Children Act 2004 Section 10



Part, Section or Article

Section 10

Partners Involved in Information Sharing

Local Authorities with a responsibility for Children
Any school approved under Section 242 of the Education Act 1996 and within the area of the LA
Colleges and other FE providers
Police, Probation Service and Youth Justice TeamsRelevant healthcare providers within the area of the LA.

Application and Explanation of Use as a Legal Gateway

Each Children’s Services Authority has a responsibility to promote the improvement in children’s well-being, through cooperation with relevant partners, including in the following areas:

  • Physical and mental health, and emotional well-being
  • Protection from harm and neglect
  • Education, training, and recreation
  • Making a positive contribution to society
  • Social and economic well-being

This should be achieved through establishing legal frameworks to allow effective information sharing, in order to promote successful collaborative and working arrangements for planning and effective service delivery.

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