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The Education Act 1996 Section 537A

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Section 537A

Partners Involved in Information Sharing

Local Authorities
Education providers win the area of the LA
NHS Providers within the area of the LA
Careers and Training Support Providers (for pupils aged 13-19)

Application and Explanation of Use as a Legal Gateway

This Act placed an obligation on an LA to provide full-time education for all children from the school term after their 5th birthday, until the last Friday in June the year they turn 16 years of age, unless full-time provision would not be in the best interests of the child. Parents can choose to educate at home, or through the Independent sector, provided that such alternative full-time education is ‘efficient and suitable’. The Raising Participation Age Act (2013) extended this such that the child must remain in education or training up until the age of eighteen.

Schools have a statutory duty to supply certain information to the LA and the DfE by means of Section 537A, including up to date attendance and exclusions data as specified by The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 Regulation 12, Education and Inspections Act 2006 Section 38 and others. This includes:

* personal demographic information,
* attendance,
* assessment and attainment,
* exclusions,
* mode of travel to school,
* doctors information,
* health conditions, medications and dietary requirements,
* post 16 destination and identifiers such as UPN, ULN and others.

Information can also be shared with NHS providers for the purposes of vision screening, dental health surveys, height and weight measurements, school nursing and inoculation programmes, unless parents specifically object.

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